Source code for prospect.coverage

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats._distn_infrastructure import rv_frozen
from shapely.geometry import LineString, Point, Polygon

from .area import Area
from .surveyunit import SurveyUnit
from .utils import clip_lines_polys

[docs]class Coverage: """A collection of `SurveyUnit` objects The `Coverage` class is mostly useful as a way to create groups of similar survey units. Parameters ---------- name : str Unique name for the Coverage surveyunit_list : List[SurveyUnit] List of survey units that make up the coverage orientation : float Angle of the predominant axis of the survey units spacing : float Distance between survey units sweep_width : float, optional Buffer distance around transects (the default is None, which is only updated if the survey units are transects) radius : float, optional Buffer distance for radial survey units (the default is None, which is only update if the survey units are radial) Attributes ---------- name : str Unique name for the coverage surveyunit_list : List[SurveyUnit] List of survey units that make up the coverage orientation : float Angle of the predominant axis of the survey units spacing : float Distance between survey units sweep_width : float Buffer distance around transects radius : float Buffer distance for radial survey units df : geopandas GeoDataFrame `GeoDataFrame` with a row for each survey unit """ def __init__( self, name: str, surveyunit_list: List[SurveyUnit], orientation: Optional[float], spacing: Optional[float], sweep_width: Optional[float] = None, radius: Optional[float] = None, ): """Create a `Coverage` instance.""" = name self.surveyunit_list = surveyunit_list self.orientation = orientation self.spacing = spacing self.sweep_width = sweep_width self.radius = radius self.df = gpd.GeoDataFrame( [surveyunit.to_dict() for surveyunit in self.surveyunit_list], geometry="shape", ) # TODO: this needs to be calculated when the simulation is run to # allow for a distribution to be used for min_time_per_unit # extra_cols: List # if all(self.df['surveyunit_type'] == 'transect'): # self.df['search_time_base'] = self.min_time_per_unit * self.d # ['length'] # elif all(self.df['surveyunit_type'] == 'radial'): # self.df['search_time_base'] = self.min_time_per_unit
[docs] @classmethod def from_shapefile( cls, path: str, name: str, surveyunit_type: str, min_time_per_unit: Union[float, rv_frozen] = 0.0, **kwargs, ) -> "Coverage": """Create a `Coverage` instance from a shapefile. Parameters ---------- path : str Filepath to the shapefile name : str Unique name for the Coverage surveyunit_type : str Type of units to create min_time_per_unit : Union[float, rv_frozen], optional Minimum amount of time required to complete one "unit" of survey, given no surveyor speed penalty and no time penalty for recording features. The default is 0.0. Because transects can differ in length, transect coverages should specify this term as time per one unit of distance (e.g., seconds per meter). For radial survey units, this term should be specified more simply as time per one survey unit. Returns ------- Coverage """ tmp_gdf = gpd.read_file(path, **kwargs) tmp_gdf = tmp_gdf.reset_index() surveyunit_list: List = cls._gdf_to_surveyunit_list( tmp_gdf, name=name, surveyunit_type=surveyunit_type, min_time_per_unit=min_time_per_unit, ) return cls( name=name, surveyunit_list=surveyunit_list, orientation=None, spacing=None, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_GeoDataFrame( cls, gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, name: str, surveyunit_type: str, min_time_per_unit: Union[float, rv_frozen] = 0.0, ) -> "Coverage": """Create a `Coverage` instance from a geopandas `GeoDataFrame` Parameters ---------- gdf : geopandas GeoDataFrame `GeoDataFrame` where each row is a survey unit name : str Unique name for the Coverage surveyunit_type : {'transect', 'radial'} Type of units to create min_time_per_unit : Union[float, rv_frozen], optional Minimum amount of time required to complete one "unit" of survey, given no surveyor speed penalty and no time penalty for recording features. The default is 0.0. Because transects can differ in length, transect coverages should specify this term as time per one unit of distance (e.g., seconds per meter). For radial survey units, this term should be specified more simply as time per one survey unit. Returns ------- Coverage """ tmp_gdf = gdf.reset_index() surveyunit_list: List = cls._gdf_to_surveyunit_list( tmp_gdf, name=name, surveyunit_type=surveyunit_type, min_time_per_unit=min_time_per_unit, ) return cls( name=name, surveyunit_list=surveyunit_list, orientation=None, spacing=None, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_transects( cls, name: str, area: Area, spacing: float = 10.0, sweep_width: float = 2.0, orientation: float = 0.0, optimize_orient_by: str = None, orient_increment: float = 5.0, orient_axis: str = "long", min_time_per_unit: Union[float, rv_frozen] = 0.0, ) -> "Coverage": """Create a `Coverage` instance of transects. Parameters ---------- name : str Unique name for the Coverage area : Area Containing area spacing : float, optional Distance between survey units (the default is 10.0) sweep_width : float, optional Buffer distance around transects (the default is 2.0) orientation : float, optional Angle of the predominant axis of the survey units (the default is 0.0) optimize_orient_by : {'area_coverage', 'area_orient'}, optional Metric to optimize in determining the orientation of survey units. 'area_coverage' chooses the orientation that maximizes the area covered by the survey units. 'area_orient' chooses the orientation that best parallels the `orient_axis` of the area. The default is None, in which case the `orientation` parameter is used directly. orient_increment : float, optional Step size (in degrees) to use when testing different orientations. (the default is 5.0) orient_axis : {'long', 'short'}, optional Axis of the area along which to orient the survey units (the default is 'long', which creates rows parallel to the longest axis of the area's minimum rotated rectangle) min_time_per_unit : Union[float, rv_frozen] Minimum amount of time required to complete one "unit" of survey, given no surveyor speed penalty and no time penalty for recording features. The default is 0.0. Because transects can differ in length, transect coverages should specify this term as time per one unit of distance (e.g., seconds per meter). Returns ------- Coverage """ # Validate spacing and sweep_width values assert ( sweep_width * 2 <= spacing ), "sweep_width * 2 must be less than or equal to spacing to prevent overlap" tmp_area = area min_rot_rect = tmp_area.df.geometry[0].minimum_rotated_rectangle centroid = min_rot_rect.centroid lines_gs = cls._make_unit_bases( surveyunit_type="transect", area=tmp_area, centroid=centroid, spacing=spacing, ) # set orientation to maximize area if optimize_orient_by == "area_coverage": orientation = cls._optimize_orientation_by_area_coverage( lines_gs, centroid, area=tmp_area, buffer=sweep_width, increment=orient_increment, ) elif optimize_orient_by == "area_orient": orientation = cls._optimize_orientation_by_area_orient( min_rect=min_rot_rect, axis=orient_axis ) lines_gs = lines_gs.rotate(orientation, origin=centroid) # rotate lines_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame({"geometry": lines_gs}, geometry="geometry") # clip lines by area lines_clipped = clip_lines_polys(lines_gdf, tmp_area.df) # buffer transects transects_buffer = lines_clipped.buffer(sweep_width) buffer_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame( { "orientation": [orientation] * transects_buffer.shape[0], "length": lines_clipped.length, "sweep_width": [sweep_width] * transects_buffer.shape[0], "geometry": transects_buffer, }, geometry="geometry", ) transects = gpd.overlay(buffer_gdf, tmp_area.df, how="intersection") transects = transects.loc[ :, ["orientation", "length", "sweep_width", "geometry"] ] transects = transects.reset_index() geom_name = surveyunit_list = transects.apply( lambda row: SurveyUnit( name=f"{name}_{row['index']}", coverage_name=name, shape=row[geom_name], surveyunit_type="transect", length=row["length"], min_time_per_unit=min_time_per_unit, ), axis=1, ).tolist() return cls( name=name, surveyunit_list=surveyunit_list, orientation=orientation, spacing=spacing, sweep_width=sweep_width, radius=None, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_radials( cls, name: str, area: Area, spacing: float = 10.0, radius: float = 1.78, orientation: float = 0.0, optimize_orient_by: str = None, orient_increment: float = 5.0, orient_axis: str = "long", min_time_per_unit: Union[float, rv_frozen] = 0.0, ) -> "Coverage": """Create a `Coverage` instance of radial units. Parameters ---------- name : str Unique name for the Coverage area : Area Containing area spacing : float, optional Distance between survey units (the default is 10.0) radius : float, optional Buffer distance for radial survey units (the default is 1.78, which leads to radial units of roughly 10 square units of area) orientation : float, optional Angle of the predominant axis of the survey units (the default is 0.0) optimize_orient_by : {'area_coverage', 'area_orient'}, optional Metric to optimize in determining the orientation of survey units. 'area_coverage' chooses the orientation that maximizes the area covered by the survey units. 'area_orient' chooses the orientation that best parallels the `orient_axis` of the area. The default is None, in which case the `orientation` parameter is used directly. orient_increment : float, optional Step size (in degrees) to use when testing different orientations. (the default is 5.0) orient_axis : {'long', 'short'}, optional Axis of the area along which to orient the survey units (the default is 'long', which creates rows parallel to the longest axis of the area's minimum rotated rectangle) min_time_per_unit : Union[float, rv_frozen] Minimum amount of time required to complete one "unit" of survey, given no surveyor speed penalty and no time penalty for recording features. The default is 0.0. For radial survey units, this term should be specified more simply as time per one survey unit. Returns ------- Coverage """ # Validate spacing and radius values assert ( radius * 2 <= spacing ), "radius * 2 must be less than or equal to spacing to prevent overlap" tmp_area = area min_rot_rect = tmp_area.df.geometry[0].minimum_rotated_rectangle centroid = min_rot_rect.centroid points_gs = cls._make_unit_bases( surveyunit_type="radial", area=tmp_area, centroid=centroid, spacing=spacing, ) # set orientation to maximize area if optimize_orient_by == "area_coverage": orientation = cls._optimize_orientation_by_area_coverage( points_gs, centroid, area=tmp_area, buffer=radius, increment=orient_increment, ) elif optimize_orient_by == "area_orient": orientation = cls._optimize_orientation_by_area_orient( min_rect=min_rot_rect, axis=orient_axis ) points_gs = points_gs.rotate(orientation, origin=centroid) # rotate points_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame({"geometry": points_gs}, geometry="geometry") points_clipped = clip_lines_polys( points_gdf, tmp_area.df ) # clip points by area points_buffer = points_clipped.buffer(radius) # buffer points buffer_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame( { "orientation": [orientation] * points_buffer.shape[0], "radius": [radius] * points_buffer.shape[0], "geometry": points_buffer, }, geometry="geometry", ) radials = gpd.overlay(buffer_gdf, tmp_area.df, how="intersection") radials = radials.loc[:, ["orientation", "radius", "geometry"]] radials = radials.reset_index() geom_name = surveyunit_list = radials.apply( lambda row: SurveyUnit( name=f"{name}_{row.index}", coverage_name=name, shape=row[geom_name], surveyunit_type="radial", radius=radius, min_time_per_unit=min_time_per_unit, ), axis=1, ).tolist() return cls( name=name, surveyunit_list=surveyunit_list, orientation=orientation, spacing=spacing, sweep_width=None, radius=radius, )
@staticmethod def _gdf_to_surveyunit_list( gdf, name, surveyunit_type, min_time_per_unit ) -> List[SurveyUnit]: geom_name = return gdf.apply( lambda row: SurveyUnit( name=f"{name}_{row.index}", coverage_name=name, shape=row[geom_name], surveyunit_type=surveyunit_type, min_time_per_unit=min_time_per_unit, ), axis=1, ).tolist() @staticmethod def _make_unit_bases( surveyunit_type: str, area: Area, centroid: Point, spacing: float = 10.0, ) -> gpd.GeoSeries: """Create the Point and LineString objects that will be buffered to make survey units. Parameters ---------- surveyunit_type : {'transect', 'radial'} Type of unit to create area : Area Containing area centroid : Point Centroid of the area's minimum rotated rectangle spacing : float, optional Distance between survey units (the default is 10.0) Returns ------- geopandas GeoSeries """ from math import sqrt # find longest dimension (longest diagonal of bounding box) # use diagonal distance for transect length # use centroid of minimum_rotated_rectangle bounds = area.df.bounds width = bounds.maxx.max() - bounds.minx.min() height = bounds.maxy.max() - bounds.miny.max() diag_dist = sqrt(width ** 2 + height ** 2) n_transects = int(diag_dist // spacing) if n_transects < 2: n_transects = 3 # calculate x values xs = Coverage._coord_vals_from_centroid_val(centroid.x, n_transects, spacing) # calculate y values if surveyunit_type == "transect": # calculate single y value per x y_max = centroid.y + diag_dist / 2 y_min = centroid.y - diag_dist / 2 # make ends of lines top_coords = list(zip(xs, np.full_like(xs, fill_value=y_max))) bottom_coords = list(zip(xs, np.full_like(xs, fill_value=y_min))) # return LineStrings gs = gpd.GeoSeries( [ LineString(coord_pair) for coord_pair in zip(top_coords, bottom_coords) ] ) elif surveyunit_type == "radial": ys = Coverage._coord_vals_from_centroid_val( centroid.y, n_transects, spacing ) coord_pairs = np.array(np.meshgrid(xs, ys)).T.reshape(-1, 2) # return Points gs = gpd.GeoSeries([Point(xy) for xy in coord_pairs]) return gs @staticmethod def _coord_vals_from_centroid_val( centroid_val: float, n_transects: int, spacing: float = 10.0 ) -> np.ndarray: """Allocate values across an area to get the x or y coordinates. Parameters ---------- centroid_val : float Either the x or y dimension of an area's minimum rotated rectangle's centroid n_transects : int Number of rows to allocate across the space. spacing : float, optional Distance between survey units (the default is 10.0) Returns ------- vals : numpy ndarray An array of values representing either x or y coordinates """ if n_transects % 2 == 0: # even num units lower_start = centroid_val - spacing / 2 upper_start = centroid_val + spacing / 2 lower_vals = lower_start - (np.arange(0, n_transects / 2) * spacing) upper_vals = upper_start + (np.arange(0, n_transects / 2) * spacing) vals = np.sort(np.concatenate([lower_vals, upper_vals])) else: # odd num units start_val = centroid_val lower_vals = start_val - (np.arange(1, n_transects / 2) * spacing) upper_vals = start_val + (np.arange(1, n_transects / 2) * spacing) vals = np.sort( np.insert(np.concatenate([lower_vals, upper_vals]), 1, start_val) ) return vals @staticmethod def _optimize_orientation_by_area_coverage( survey_units: gpd.GeoSeries, rotation_pt: Point, area: Area, buffer: float = 0.0, increment: float = 5.0, ) -> float: """Find the orientation value that allows maximum coverage of the area by survey units. Parameters ---------- survey_units : geopandas GeoSeries A `GeoSeries` of survey units that is at least as large as the containing area. rotation_pt : Point Point around which to pivot the survey unit axis area : Area Containing area buffer : float, optional Buffer around survey unit used to determine the area value (the default is 0.0) increment : float, optional Step size (in degrees) to use when testing different orientations. (the default is 5.0) Returns ------- float """ deg_val: Dict[int, float] = {} for deg in np.arange(0, 180, increment): # rotate survey_units_gs = survey_units.rotate(deg, origin=rotation_pt) survey_units_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame( {"geometry": survey_units_gs}, geometry="geometry" ) # clip survey_units by area survey_units_clipped = clip_lines_polys(survey_units_gdf, area.df) survey_units_buffer = survey_units_clipped.buffer( buffer ) # buffer survey_units deg_val[deg] = survey_units_buffer.area.sum() return max(deg_val, key=lambda k: deg_val[k]) @staticmethod def _optimize_orientation_by_area_orient( min_rect: Polygon, axis: str = "long" ) -> float: """Find the angle that best matches the orientation of the survey area. Parameters ---------- min_rect : Polygon Minimum rotated rectangle of the area axis : {'long', 'short'}, optional Axis of the area along which to orient the survey units (the default is 'long', which creates rows parallel to the longest axis of the area's minimum rotated rectangle) Returns ------- angle : float Angle value in degrees """ import math coords = pd.DataFrame( np.array(min_rect.exterior.coords), columns=["x", "y"] ) # all corners pt_ymin = list( coords.loc[coords["y"] == coords["y"].min()].itertuples( index=False, name=None ) )[0] pt_xmax = list( coords.loc[coords["x"] == coords["x"].max()].itertuples( index=False, name=None ) )[0] pt_xmin = list( coords.loc[coords["x"] == coords["x"].min()].itertuples( index=False, name=None ) )[0] opp = pt_xmax[1] - pt_ymin[1] # sides of the "triangle" adj = pt_xmax[0] - pt_ymin[0] right_side = math.sqrt((adj) ** 2 + (opp) ** 2) left_side = math.sqrt( (pt_ymin[0] - pt_xmin[0]) ** 2 + (pt_ymin[1] - pt_xmin[1]) ** 2 ) temp_angle = math.degrees(math.atan(opp / adj)) # angle of rotation if (axis == "long" and right_side <= left_side) or ( axis == "short" and right_side > left_side ): angle = temp_angle elif (axis == "long" and right_side > left_side) or ( axis == "short" and right_side <= left_side ): angle = -1 * (90 - temp_angle) return angle