Source code for prospect.utils

import warnings

import geopandas as gpd
import scipy.stats
from scipy.stats._distn_infrastructure import rv_frozen

[docs]def clip_points(points: gpd.GeoDataFrame, by: gpd.GeoDataFrame) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """Subset a GeoDataFrame of points based on the boundaries of another GeoDataFrame. Parameters ---------- points : geopandas GeoDataFrame Point features to be clipped by : geopandas GeoDataFrame Boundaries to use for clipping Returns ------- geopandas GeoDataFrame A subset of the original `points` References ---------- Earth Analytics Python course, """ poly = by.geometry.unary_union return points[points.geometry.intersects(poly)]
[docs]def clip_lines_polys( lines_polys: gpd.GeoDataFrame, by: gpd.GeoDataFrame ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """Subset a GeoDataFrame of lines or polygons based on the boundaries of another GeoDataFrame. Parameters ---------- lines_polys : geopandas GeoDataFrame Features to be clipped by : geopandas GeoDataFrame Boundaries to use for clipping Returns ------- geopandas GeoDataFrame A subset of the original `lines_polys` References ---------- Earth Analytics Python course, """ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "GeoSeries.notna", UserWarning) # Create a single polygon object for clipping poly = by.geometry.unary_union spatial_index = lines_polys.sindex # Create a box for the initial intersection bbox = poly.bounds # Get a list of id's for each object that overlaps the bounding box and subset the data to just those objects sidx = list(spatial_index.intersection(bbox)) thing_sub = lines_polys.iloc[sidx] # Clip the data - with these data clipped = thing_sub.copy() clipped["geometry"] = thing_sub.intersection(poly) # Return the clipped layer with no null geometry values return clipped[(~clipped.geometry.is_empty) & (clipped.geometry.notna())]
[docs]def beta(a: float, b: float, **kwargs) -> rv_frozen: """Create a fixed beta distribution. Parameters ---------- a, b : float Shape parameters Returns ------- rv_frozen Fixed beta distribution """ return scipy.stats.beta(a=a, b=b, **kwargs)
[docs]def truncnorm(mean: float, sd: float, lower: float, upper: float) -> rv_frozen: """Create a truncated normal distribution. Parameters ---------- mean : float Mean of distribution sd : float Standard deviation of the distribution lower : float Lower bound upper : float Upper bound Returns ------- rv_frozen Fixed truncated normal distribution """ return scipy.stats.truncnorm( (lower - mean) / sd, (upper - mean) / sd, loc=mean, scale=sd )