This file contains functions related to I/O from the database
get_credentials ([credentials_path]) |
Access database credentials from JSON file |
connect2db ([driver]) |
Open a connection to the database |
db_query (query_text, **kwargs) |
Send any SQL query to the database |
get_points ([years]) |
Load a DataFrame of points |
get_points_simple (**kwargs) |
Load a DataFrame of points with the most typical query |
get_points_by_year (years, **kwargs) |
Load a DataFrame of points with the most typical query for specified year(s) |
get_artifacts ([sections, years, …]) |
Load a DataFrame of artifacts |
get_artifacts_by_year (years[, discards]) |
Load a DataFrame of artifacts with the most typical query for specified year(s) |
get_artifacts_simple ([include_discards]) |
Load a DataFrame of artifacts with the most typical query |
get_productions_simple (**kwargs) |
Load a DataFrame of productions with the most typical query |
get_production_cts_wts (**kwargs) |
Load a DataFrame of all points with columns for counts and weights of all productions |
get_points_times ([warn]) |
Load a DataFrame of points with datetimes cleaned and search times calculated |
(credentials_path='credentials.json')[source]¶ Access database credentials from JSON file
Parameters: credentials_path (str) – Location of the credentials JSON file Returns: credentials – Dictionary containing the database connection details Return type: dict
(driver='{ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server}', **kwargs)[source]¶ Open a connection to the database
Parameters: - driver (str, optional) – Database driver needed to connect
- **kwargs – Optional arguments that are passed to get_credentials()
Returns: connection
Return type: MS SQL database connection
(query_text, **kwargs)[source]¶ Send any SQL query to the database
Parameters: - query_text (str) – Full SQL query to pass to the database
- **kwargs – Optional arguments that are passed to get_credentials()
Returns: df – DataFrame of query results
Return type: pandas DataFrame
(years=None, **kwargs)[source]¶ Load a DataFrame of points
Parameters: - years (list) – List of desired years; can be strings or integers
- **kwargs – Optional arguments that are passed to get_credentials()
Returns: points_df – DataFrame of all points
Return type: pandas DataFrame
(**kwargs)[source]¶ Load a DataFrame of points with the most typical query
Parameters: **kwargs – Optional arguments that are passed to get_credentials() Returns: points_df – DataFrame of all points Return type: pandas DataFrame
(years, **kwargs)[source]¶ Load a DataFrame of points with the most typical query for specified year(s)
Parameters: - years (list) – List of desired years; can be strings or integers
- **kwargs – Optional arguments that are passed to get_credentials()
Returns: points_df – DataFrame of all points for specified year(s)
Return type: pandas DataFrame
(sections=['base'], years=None, include_discards=False, **kwargs)[source]¶ Load a DataFrame of artifacts
Parameters: - sections (list of some set of) – {‘all’, ‘base’, ‘metrics’, ‘classify’, ‘production’, ‘tile_brick’, ‘waretypes’, ‘vesselparts’, ‘macro_fabric’} Sections to include in the output DataFrame. Each section refers to a group of column names.
- years (list) – List of desired years; can be strings or integers
- include_discards (bool) – If True, return all records, even artifacts marked as Discarded.
- **kwargs – Optional arguments that are passed to get_credentials()
Returns: artifacts_df – DataFrame of all artifacts
Return type: pandas DataFrame
(include_discards=False, **kwargs)[source]¶ Load a DataFrame of artifacts with the most typical query
Parameters: - include_discards (bool) – If True, return all records, even artifacts marked as Discarded.
- **kwargs – Optional arguments that are passed to get_credentials()
Returns: artifacts_df – DataFrame of all artifacts
Return type: pandas DataFrame
(years, discards=False, **kwargs)[source]¶ Load a DataFrame of artifacts with the most typical query for specified year(s)
Parameters: Returns: artifacts_df – DataFrame of all artifacts for specified year(s)
Return type: pandas DataFrame
(**kwargs)[source]¶ Load a DataFrame of productions with the most typical query
Parameters: **kwargs – Optional arguments that are passed to get_credentials() Returns: prods_df – DataFrame of all productions Return type: pandas DataFrame
(**kwargs)[source]¶ Load a DataFrame of all points with columns for counts and weights of all productions
Parameters: **kwargs – Optional arguments that are passed to get_credentials() Returns: cts_wts – DataFrame of all points with counts and weights for all productions Return type: pandas DataFrame Notes
Also pulls in some non-vessel artifact types (e.g., tile, brick, other construction material)
(warn='enable', **kwargs)[source]¶ Load a DataFrame of points with datetimes cleaned and search times calculated
Parameters: - warn ({'enable', 'disable'}) – Argument passed to the calc_search_time() function specifying whether or to print a generic warning message.
- **kwargs – Optional arguments that are passed to get_credentials()
Returns: pts – DataFrame of all points with adjusted datetimes and search times
Return type: pandas DataFrame