
This file contains functions to generate progress reports


get_measuring_progress(year[, measure_col]) Get a quick estimate of the amount of measuring left to do.
get_classification_progress(year[, bags_col]) Get a rough estimate of the number of bags left to classify.
leiap.progress.get_measuring_progress(year, measure_col='Weight')[source]

Get a quick estimate of the amount of measuring left to do.

  • year (str or int) – The specific year of interest
  • measure_col (str) – Column to use to judge whether an artifact is complete or not.

(dt, not_done) – dt is the current datetime; not_done is the number of sherds remaining to measure.

Return type:

tuple of datetime and int


  1. The function also prints a human-readable summary statement.
  2. The calculation is based on the number of artifacts that have been classified but not yet had a weight recorded.

This is very much an imperfect measure, but it helps to give a rough guide to progress.

leiap.progress.get_classification_progress(year, bags_col='NumBags')[source]

Get a rough estimate of the number of bags left to classify.

  • year (str or int) – The specific year of interest
  • bags_col (str) – Column containing the count of bags per point

(dt, bags_remain) – dt is the current datetime; bags_remain is the number of bags remaining to classify.

Return type:

tuple of datetime and int


  1. The function also prints a human-readable summary statement.
  2. The calculation is based on the number of points recorded as having a bag. This is very much an imperfect measure, but it helps to give a rough guide to progress.

Some reasons why the count might not reach 0: - Problem bags - Points that were accidentally assigned with bags = 1 during GPS data upload. - Points that should have been changed to -1 bags (i.e., all artifacts discarded during preliminary sort) but were not, for whatever reason, changed.