Source code for leiap.constants

This module contains functions to access some commonly-used constants and their translations


[docs]def get_waretypes(lang='both'): """Access the waretypes used in the database Parameters ---------- lang : {'both', 'eng', 'cat'} The language you need for the output Returns ------- requested_names : dict, list A dictionary or list of waretypes. If lang='both', return a dictionary of english:catalan names """ waretypes = { 'common ware': 'comuna', 'unknown_waretype': 'desconeguda', 'transport': 'transport', 'storage': 'emmagatzematge', 'fine ware': 'fina', 'cooking ware': 'cuina', 'table ware': 'taula', 'other': 'altre', 'ritual': 'ritual' } requested_names = None if lang == 'both': requested_names = waretypes elif lang == 'eng': requested_names = list(waretypes.keys()) elif lang == 'cat': requested_names = list(waretypes.values()) return requested_names
[docs]def get_vesselparts(lang='both'): """Access the vessel parts used in the database Parameters ---------- lang : {'both', 'eng', 'cat'} The language you need for the output Returns ------- requested_names : dict, list If language is 'both', then a dict is returned; otherwise a list """ vessel_parts = { 'base': 'base', 'body': 'cos', 'carination': 'carinada', 'handle': 'nansa', 'lid': 'tapa', 'neck': 'coll', 'other_vesselpart': 'altra part', 'rim': 'vora', 'shoulder': 'espatlla', 'unknown_vesselpart': 'part desconeguda' } requested_names = None if lang == 'both': requested_names = vessel_parts elif lang == 'eng': requested_names = list(vessel_parts.keys()) elif lang == 'cat': requested_names = list(vessel_parts.values()) return requested_names
[docs]def get_talaiotic(lang='both'): """Access Talaiotic period productions Parameters ---------- lang : {'both', 'eng', 'cat'} The language you need for the output Returns ------- productions : dict, list Talaiotic period productions. If lang='both', return dict, else return a list """ p = {'Punic amphora': 'Àmfora púnica', 'Talaiotic pottery': 'Ceràmica Talaiòtica', 'Attic black glaze pottery': 'Ceràmica de Vernís Negre Àtica', 'Central Mediterranean punic amphora': 'Àmfora púnica del Mediterrani Central' } productions = None if lang == 'both': productions = p elif lang == 'eng': productions = list(p.keys()) elif lang == 'cat': productions = list(p.values()) return productions
[docs]def get_balearic(lang='both'): """Access Balearic period productions Parameters ---------- lang : {'both', 'eng', 'cat'} The language you need for the output Returns ------- productions : dict, list Balearic period productions. If lang='both', return dict, else return a list """ p = {'Punic Ebusitan amphora': 'Àmfora Punicoebusitana', 'South Italian amphora - Volcanic': 'Àmfora Sud-itàlica - Pasta Volcànica', 'Greco-Italic amphora': 'Àmfora greco-itàlica', 'Iberian amphora': 'Àmfora ibèrica', 'Italic amphora': 'Àmfora Itàlica', 'Campanian black glazed pottery A': 'Ceràmica de Vernís Negre Campaninan A', 'Campanian black glazed pottery B': 'Ceràmica de Vernís Negre Campaninan B', 'Campanian black glazed pottery C': 'Ceràmica de Vernís Negre Campaninan C', 'Post-talaiotic pottery': 'Ceràmica Posttalaiòtica', 'Iberian common ware': 'Ceràmica comuna ibèrica', 'Italic common ware': 'Ceràmica Comuna Itàlica', 'Punic common ware': 'Ceràmica Comuna Púnica', 'Catalan coast grey pottery': 'Ceràmica grisa de la costa catalana', 'Punic Ebusitan common ware': 'Ceràmica Comuna Punicoebusitana', 'Ebusitan black glaze pottery': 'Ceràmica de Vernís Negre Ebusitana', 'Massalian amphora': 'Àmfora massaliota' } productions = None if lang == 'both': productions = p elif lang == 'eng': productions = list(p.keys()) elif lang == 'cat': productions = list(p.values()) return productions
[docs]def get_early_roman(lang='both'): """Access Early Roman period productions Parameters ---------- lang : {'both', 'eng', 'cat'} The language you need for the output Returns ------- productions : dict, list Early Roman period productions. If lang='both', return dict, else return a list """ p = {'Tarraconense amphora': 'Àmfora Tarraconense', 'Salazones amphora': 'Àmfora de Salaons', 'Gaulish amphora': 'Àmfora gala', 'Terra Sigillata - Gaulish': 'Terra Sigillata - Gala', 'North African amphora': 'Àmfora Nord-Africana', 'Thin walled pottery - Italic': 'Ceràmica de parets fines itàlica', 'Thin walled pottery - Ebusitan': 'Ceràmica de parets fines ebusitana', 'Roman cooking ware': 'Ceràmica de Cuina Romana', 'Terra Sigillata - Classic': 'Terra Sigillata - Clàssic', 'Thin walled pottery': 'Ceràmica de parets fines', 'Roman Ebusitan common ware': 'Ceràmica Comuna Romana Ebusitana', 'Tarraconense Maresme amphora': 'Àmfora Tarraconense - Maresme', 'Hispanic Amph- South Iberian Coast': None, 'Hispanic Amph- Guadalquivir Valley': 'Àmfora de la vall del Guadalquivir', 'Ebusitan Amph. - Roman': None } productions = None if lang == 'both': productions = p elif lang == 'eng': productions = list(p.keys()) elif lang == 'cat': productions = list(p.values()) return productions
[docs]def get_late_roman(lang='both'): """Access Late Roman period productions Parameters ---------- lang : {'both', 'eng', 'cat'} The language you need for the output Returns ------- productions : dict, list Late Roman period productions. If lang='both', return dict, else return a list """ p = {'Late Roman amphorae (LRA)': 'Late Roman amphorae (LRA)', 'Terra Sigillata - Hispanic': 'Terra Sigillata - Hispànica', 'Terra Sigillata - African A': 'Terra Sigillata - Africana A', 'Terra Sigillata - African C': 'Terra Sigillata - Africana C', 'Terra Sigillata - African D': 'Terra Sigillata - Africana D', 'DSP Derivee de sigille paleochretienne': 'DSP Derivee de sigille paleochretienne', 'Roman common ware': 'Ceràmica Comuna Romana', 'Roman oil lamp': 'Llàntia romana', 'Late Roman C': 'Late Roman C', 'Late Roman cooking ware': 'Late Roman cooking ware' } productions = None if lang == 'both': productions = p elif lang == 'eng': productions = list(p.keys()) elif lang == 'cat': productions = list(p.values()) return productions
[docs]def get_islamic(lang='both'): """Access Islamic period productions Parameters ---------- lang : {'both', 'eng', 'cat'} The language you need for the output Returns ------- productions : dict, list Islamic period productions. If lang='both', return dict, else return a list """ p = {'Islamic medieval common ware': 'Ceràmica Comuna Medieval Islàmica', 'Islamic medieval glazed pottery': 'Ceràmica Vidrada Medieval Islàmica' } productions = None if lang == 'both': productions = p elif lang == 'eng': productions = list(p.keys()) elif lang == 'cat': productions = list(p.values()) return productions
[docs]def get_misc_types(lang='both'): """Access types that we usually include with productions (but might not be officially designated FabricTypeNames Parameters ---------- lang : {'both', 'eng', 'cat'} The language you need for the output Returns ------- productions : dict, list Islamic period productions. If lang='both', return dict, else return a list """ materials_dict = { 'Unworked clay': 'argila cuita', 'brick': 'maó', 'other': 'altre', 'other constr': 'altre material de construcció', 'tile': 'teula', 'unknown': 'indeterminada', 'vessel': 'altre vaixell' } material_names = None if lang == 'both': material_names = materials_dict elif lang == 'eng': material_names = list(materials_dict.keys()) elif lang == 'cat': material_names = list(materials_dict.values()) return material_names