Source code for leiap.fieldschool

These functions take care of some admin for the field team

import pandas as _pd
import numpy as _np
import datetime as _datetime


[docs]def assign_chores(csv_file, names, start_col, end_col, start_date, end_date, out_file='chore_schedule.xlsx'): """Create equitable schedule of chore duties Parameters ---------- csv_file : str File path to CSV file where names and dates are stored names : str CSV column with crew member names start_col, end_col : str CSV columns with crew member start dates and end dates, respectively start_date, end_date : str First and last days, respectively, when chores are needed out_file : str File path or name for the output Excel Returns ------- crew_dates : pandas DataFrame DataFrame containing some info about how jobs were assigned. Useful for deciding if the results are fair. Example ------- >> assign_chores('all_students.csv', names='student', start_col='arrive', end_col='depart', start_date='2017-06-27', end_date='2017-07-25') """ # read in CSV file crew_dates = _pd.read_csv(csv_file) # convert date columns to date type crew_dates[start_col] = _pd.to_datetime(crew_dates[start_col]) crew_dates[end_col] = _pd.to_datetime(crew_dates[end_col]) crew_dates['workdays'] = 0 crew_dates.set_index(names, inplace=True) workdays = [] # list to store all the days when chores are required # function to loop through days def daterange(start, end): for n in range(int((end - start).days)+1): yield start + _datetime.timedelta(n) # make program start and end dates into pandas Timestamps start_date = _pd.Timestamp(start_date) end_date = _pd.Timestamp(end_date) for single_day in daterange(start_date, end_date): # loop through days if single_day.dayofweek in [6, 0, 1, 2, 3]: # if it is a workday workdays.append(single_day) # add it to the list # find all present on that day crew_present = crew_dates[(crew_dates[start_col] < single_day) & (crew_dates[end_col] > single_day)] for person in crew_present.index: crew_dates.loc[person, 'workdays'] = crew_dates.loc[person, 'workdays']+1 # +1 to their workday count total_person_days = crew_dates['workdays'].sum() total_workdays = len(workdays) total_jobs = total_workdays * 6 # total number of chore slots to be filled # calculate each person's fraction of person days # multiply this fraction by total jobs and round up for max jobs # calculate estimated breakfasts (max jobs x 0.33), lunches (max jobs x 0.33), and dinners (max jobs x 0.33) # initialize counts for each type of job crew_dates['day_fraction'] = crew_dates['workdays'] / total_person_days crew_dates['max_jobs'] = _np.ceil(crew_dates['day_fraction'] * total_jobs) crew_dates['breakfast_ct'] = 0 crew_dates['breakfast_max'] = crew_dates['max_jobs'] * (1/3) crew_dates['lunch_ct'] = 0 crew_dates['lunch_max'] = crew_dates['max_jobs'] * (1/3) crew_dates['dinner_ct'] = 0 crew_dates['dinner_max'] = crew_dates['max_jobs'] * (1/3) # create dataframe with jobs as index job_list = ['breakfast1', 'breakfast2', 'lunch1', 'lunch2', 'dinner1', 'dinner2'] chores = _pd.DataFrame(index=job_list) # go day by day # find subset of people who are present that day # for each meal # 1. find out who has not reached their quota for that job type yet # 2. while number of assigned people is less than 2, # find those with the lowest job counts among those people # 3. randomly select from those people # 4. assign them to meal that day # 5. remove them from the possible selections for that day # 6. [repeat] for day in workdays: present_df = crew_dates[(crew_dates[start_col] <= day) & (crew_dates[end_col] >= day)] if len(present_df.index) < len(job_list): print("Failed! Not enough people present on "+str(day)) day_list = [] bf_count = 0 while bf_count < 2: bf_df = present_df[(present_df['breakfast_ct'] < present_df['breakfast_max'])] min_ct = bf_df['breakfast_ct'].min() pick_df = bf_df[bf_df['breakfast_ct'] == min_ct] row = pick_df.sample(n=1, replace=True) person = row.index[0] if person not in day_list: day_list.append(person) crew_dates.loc[person, 'breakfast_ct'] += 1 present_df.drop(person, inplace=True) bf_count += 1 lun_count = 0 while lun_count < 2: lun_df = present_df[(present_df['lunch_ct'] < present_df['lunch_max'])] min_ct = lun_df['lunch_ct'].min() pick_df = lun_df[lun_df['lunch_ct'] == min_ct] row = pick_df.sample(n=1, replace=True) person = row.index[0] if person not in day_list: day_list.append(person) crew_dates.loc[person, 'lunch_ct'] += 1 present_df.drop(person, inplace=True) lun_count += 1 din_count = 0 while din_count < 2: din_df = present_df[(present_df['dinner_ct'] < present_df['dinner_max'])] min_ct = din_df['dinner_ct'].min() pick_df = din_df[din_df['dinner_ct'] == min_ct] row = pick_df.sample(n=1, replace=True) person = row.index[0] if person not in day_list: day_list.append(person) crew_dates.loc[person, 'dinner_ct'] += 1 present_df.drop(person, inplace=True) din_count += 1 roster = _pd.Series(day_list) # convert list to pandas Series chores[] = roster.values # add column to chores dataframe chores = chores.T # get dates as rows, jobs as columns # save to Excel chores_writer = _pd.ExcelWriter(out_file, engine='xlsxwriter') chores.to_excel(chores_writer, sheet_name='chores') # calculate a couple quick stats to evaluate how even the chores are distributed # a negative 'max-assigned' value indicates the person has more jobs than expected # a positive 'max-assigned' value indicates the person has fewer jobs than expected crew_dates['assigned_jobs'] = crew_dates['breakfast_ct']+crew_dates['lunch_ct']+crew_dates['dinner_ct'] crew_dates['max-assigned'] = crew_dates['max_jobs']-crew_dates['assigned_jobs'] return crew_dates